Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 282

In the Eyes...


  1. Oh no, not the eyes! :) She's so sweet, I love how (is that a house?) that house/building is reflected in her eyes! Great detail work and everything, this is just an overall "doggone" good picture. ;) I'm sorry I thought that was punny. :) If you look closely the cloud in her eyes almost looks like a bird with its wings outstretched! O.O

    1. Thats a house and its my house :) Good pun :).The things you notice are amazing, like seriusly!!

    2. You said it was "In the Eyes" so I looked...and that's just what I saw... you live in a lovely house! :)
      Haha, which pun, I reused that one on your picture for 2014!! ;) I am a green person...therefore, I have recycled that punny one. :)

    3. Thankyou :) You have the funniest jokes so often!!!!!! Thankyou, I always have a laugh after you comment.

    4. I can sometimes be funny, that is a result of too much time spent looking up ridiculous jokes on the internet! :D

    5. Hahaha, thought you were busy :)

    6. I only do that if I'm not busy. :) Mostly during the summer holidays! :)
