Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 263

Success !!


  1. Oh, this one it gorgeous, it has a certain- nostalgic feeling to it...bringing back memories of Christmases long passed. :) Thank you, I love this picture, the sun just is like a warm glow coming in...and it's so lovely where it's shining through the green glass jar, with all the snow in the background. :3 This is really, really an incredible picture! :D

    1. Come too think of it.... it does :), I love it when you notice things like that :) and Thanks again :)

    2. I don't really know how I notice these things, I just do. :) When I look at this picture it makes me think of Christmas, and waking up earlier to see the sun rise...this picture is truly beautiful, you did a great job on this one!! :)

    3. :) Well I'm glad you do notice them even if you don't notice noticing them :) Thanks again :)

    4. Well thank you!!!! :) That's really nice of you to say. :) Thank you, as always for the pictures, they are truly always marvelous!! :)

    5. Thanks, again, again, and again :)
