Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 217



  1. How do you do it? I try taking a picture of a spider web and I get sunlight bleaching out everything! -_- You take such beautiful pictures, I love spiderwebs, (when I'm not running into them), because like in this picture, it looks like a thousand little diamonds are strung on the tread of the web! And the flowers in the background, SCHTAP taking such gorgeously perfect pictures!!!! ;)

    1. It actually took me about 3 different tries to get it. I've had plenty of problems running into spiderwebs, it's kinda annoying. Thankyou :) I'm not sure if I will stop after 365 Days though.

    2. Hahaha, that's how it is till I get a picture of a spiderweb, but most of the time, I really cannot get a good enough angle. :| There is a spider, that builds it's web in front of our hen house, every morning without fail, I walk into its web. :(
      What happens if you run out of things to take pictures of....?! ;) Just kidding, I know that could never happen to you, you're too brilliant for that! :) YAY! I'm so happy you aren't going to stop at 365! :D

    3. It's funny (not really) how spiders think that if they try enough they'll get the human to stop coming through their house :)

      That does happen sometimes and I have to find a old picture and use it, but let's hope I find plenty more :)

    4. Haha, yes! Either that or they forget...and are just like- "Blast! When did this happen? Guess I'll have to build it again..." :)

      I'm sure you can find plenty more, you're the MASTER of finding AWESOME PICTURES!!!! :D

    5. Small brains I guess :)

      Thankyou :)!!! I should go get some now again.
